Thursday, May 12, 2011


I. Its English name is Overseas Chinese University, which Google Translate translates into 華僑大學. This is a pretty strange name because the students are neither Chinese nor are they from overseas.

II. I saw a poster advertising for Tablet PCs (平板風暴 席捲校園).  Next to 平板風暴 are two lines stacking up together:  "平板電腦 vs 智慧手機" on top, and "Android vs iOS" down below. I see two things happening.  First, the advertisement now expands to include smartphones, and secondly, the picture can potentially lead some to think that "Android vs IOS" is a translation of "平板電腦 vs 智慧手機", which it isn't. 

III. Like most universities in Taiwan, most students have motor bikes and few ride bicycles.  An amazing thing about 僑光 is that there is no bike rack to lock your bike.  

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