Saturday, May 21, 2011

What is the point, Chyuan Cherng?

台中是一個世界級的醜城市.  這個建築物是一個醜的典範.  台灣人覺得墨西哥是一個落後貧窮的國家.  這是事實.  但是 幾千張墨西哥的相片很難找一張比得上我們的醜.  更不用拿台中來跟聖地牙哥, 馬德里, 墨爾本, 新加坡等比了.  

I am not picking on this pharmacy.  I just happened to notice that it has an English name Chyuan Cherng that does not mean anything to its Taiwanese customers.  If it has an English speaking client, she should find the name Chyuan Cherng hard to say and unhelpful. So, what is the point?

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