Friday, March 1, 2013

嘉義市連接火車前後站的天橋叫做 Engagement Bridge

〔記者余雪蘭/嘉市報導〕嘉義火車站西側連接前後站的人行天橋,英文譯名「Engagement Bridge」,中文意思是婚約橋、訂親橋,經詢問本國及外籍英文老師,均表示以前不曾看過這種用法,但有民眾覺得很浪漫,還有人在橋上繫了兩個鎖頭,建議市府發展該橋成為台灣第二座「心鎖橋」。
非常用譯詞 但有人覺得浪漫
位於火車站後站的交通轉運中心前年啟用後,市政府在人行天橋電梯入口處設置的指示牌,中文標註「銜接橋」,下面英譯為「Engagement Bridge」。
住在嘉義市的美籍自由作家丹布隆表示,「Engagement Bridge」的用法,他以前從未見過,一般都是用「overpass」,他把這個用詞拿來與中正大學的學生討論時,有學生認為這種用法很浪漫,並指出台中豐原車站有一座人行天橋,情侶們仿巴黎鎖橋,在橋上鐵欄繫上象徵牢牢鎖住愛情的鎖頭,被稱為心鎖橋,建議嘉義市也開放讓有情人繫鎖。而不知何時,「Engagement Bridge」果真有人在橋上鐵欄網繫了一對鎖頭。
嘉義大學語言中心外文組組長洪玉如表示,人行天橋、銜接橋的英文翻譯用「Engagement Bridge」,她自己沒見過,經詢問該中心兩位外籍老師也都說沒聽過,美籍老師說人行天橋英譯為「Footbridge」,英籍教師則說「Interconnecting Bridge」。

1 comment:

  1. there is a good article on this at ''language log'' in the USA a blog and written by professor Victor Mair there at UPenn.

    When i saw the engagement bridge sign two years ago in Chiayi, I did not laugh. I like the term. But i wanted to know what the term in Chinese was for the brige and my Chiayi friends told me the Chinese characters meant something like a connecting bridge. And an engagement between two people who want to get married in the future is also a connecting bridge of a romantic kind, so i thought "This is a very cool and interesting term and I did more research to find out what these kinds of sky bridges are called in other nations and I found some photos in Australia and UK too. So while the term "engagement bridge" is not regular English, and is never used that, I liked it and told the local reporter about it, she studied in the UK too, so she did some research too and now the news story is printed, two years later. Let's see what happens. I hope they keep the English term. It's romantic and novel. I LOVE IT
