Wednesday, June 1, 2011

留德博士劉明德: 英語是魔鬼+垃圾 III

[本文寫於 黃春明的 操你媽的B 事件後, 相信受到黄春明的衝擊.]

留德博士劉明德在他的 英語是魔鬼+垃圾 一書裏這麼寫
然而, 今天漢民族的子孫竟然淪落到主動要去...學人家的語言
可憐的漢民族豈止學人家的語言, 他們也學人家用電燈, 開汽車, 坐飛機.  更不堪的是他們居然放棄了萬蟲鑽動, 金蠅大如蜂鳥的毛坑, 忝不知恥 地學人家用抽水馬桶了.  下圖是台中 SOGO 百貨公司的一個抽水馬桶.  從 SOGO 生意的觀點, 這樣的廁所比毛坑好, 但有兩個明顯的缺點: Americans and Europeans may not know what to do with it; most probably have never seen anything like it.   Notice the trash can on the front left?  That is Chinese culture.  To explain this Chinese culture, I present a picture from a restroom in an university.
Posted on the restroom door is an advisory that says one should not throw toilet paper into the toilet bowl.  Apparently, people follow the instruction to throw toilet paper laced with their pooh-pooh into the trash can, making the room smell horrifying.

劉明德很計較他是漢人的驕傲, 我則是希望屁股不要帶著糞便.  我希望台灣人能學著使用歐洲通行的廁所, 如下圖.  我很喜歡左邊這個洗肛門機.  大便後可以輕鬆地把尾巴洗得乾乾淨淨.

A warning to Taiwan visitors is in order.  Public restrooms do not normally provide toilet papers.  This is so even and particularly in universities.  Be prepared!

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