Tuesday, June 14, 2011

吳清基: ... (國小英語) 將在黃金十年內

I have two advices for 吳清基:
  • You need to assess the effectiveness of your so-called English education.   There is no excuse for students to study English for more then ten years, and end up having no ability to listen to, speak, write or read English, as most students do.
  • You should educate rather than brainwash.  Leave out the Chinese KMT propagandistic non-sense 黃金十年, because there is not an ounce of truth in it.  You receive your salary from Taiwan citizens, not from Chinese KMT.  You are supposed to be a Taiwan officer serving Taiwanese, not a Chinese KMT officer serving Chinese KMT.
小一學英語 學者:學生更痛苦
【大紀元2011年04月20日訊】(大紀元記者江禹嬋台北報導) 教育部希望未來將國小英語教育,從目前的小三向下延伸到小一,教育部長吳清基表示,目前師資培育、課程規劃還需要有完整配套,將在黃金十年內延伸到小一。不過學者認為,這只會增加學生痛苦和家長的競爭焦慮感,根本是政策錯誤。前國小英語教育從小三開始實施,不過部分縣市已經先行延伸到小一,教育部國際文教處長林文通表示,小一開始教英語是勢在必行。吳清基說,提早兩年學習會提升學生英文興趣能力,希望將在十年內推動。

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