Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sweet water 並不甜

Google Translate 把 sweet water 翻成甜水.  事實上, sweat water 是 淡水, 不是甜水.  See, for example,

TROPICAL SWEET WATER FISH - the species avvannotti the storees

 - [ 翻譯這個網頁 ] - 美國 - 頁庫存檔
Tropical sweet water fish. All nearly original ones of lagos and the rivers of wrap tropical of Africa, Asia and of the America, the greater part of these ...

我 demand 中文 demand 的同義詞!

Demand 比 ask, beg 來得強. 翻成 要求  便失去它強烈的本意. 

我舉一個例子來說明 demand 這個字的重要性.

Taiwanese should demand a just judicial system 翻成
台灣人應該要求司法公正 是不恰當的. 

跟誰要求?  跟政府要求嗎?  然而政府不是人民的公僕嗎, 怎麼主人反倒要向僕人要求?

Google Translate 給了八個可能的翻譯:

  1. 需求
  2. 要求
  3. 需要
  4. 索取
上個的例子顯示這八個翻譯都不理想.  我建議
  • 不要把 demand 翻成要求
  • 暫時把 demand 翻成 敵蠻 (demand), 例如 我們敵蠻 (demand) 司法公正, until an equivalent term is created.  

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

吳清基: ... (國小英語) 將在黃金十年內

I have two advices for 吳清基:
  • You need to assess the effectiveness of your so-called English education.   There is no excuse for students to study English for more then ten years, and end up having no ability to listen to, speak, write or read English, as most students do.
  • You should educate rather than brainwash.  Leave out the Chinese KMT propagandistic non-sense 黃金十年, because there is not an ounce of truth in it.  You receive your salary from Taiwan citizens, not from Chinese KMT.  You are supposed to be a Taiwan officer serving Taiwanese, not a Chinese KMT officer serving Chinese KMT.
小一學英語 學者:學生更痛苦
【大紀元2011年04月20日訊】(大紀元記者江禹嬋台北報導) 教育部希望未來將國小英語教育,從目前的小三向下延伸到小一,教育部長吳清基表示,目前師資培育、課程規劃還需要有完整配套,將在黃金十年內延伸到小一。不過學者認為,這只會增加學生痛苦和家長的競爭焦慮感,根本是政策錯誤。前國小英語教育從小三開始實施,不過部分縣市已經先行延伸到小一,教育部國際文教處長林文通表示,小一開始教英語是勢在必行。吳清基說,提早兩年學習會提升學生英文興趣能力,希望將在十年內推動。

Saturday, June 4, 2011

學校 + 補習班: 台灣學生教育全球第一名

TAIPEI — Huang Hsing-yao knows exactly how to spend every hour of the day, every day of the week: bent over the books, preparing for the most important test of his life.
With little time left before the university entrance exam that will decide his future, the 18-year-old high school student's life is marked by relentless study, most of it in a cram school in downtown Taipei.
"At the moment, I hardly have any free time. It's all spent studying," he said, sporting a cool-kid haircut but wearing a blue-and-white school uniform. "Sometimes I relax a bit at home. But I still have to do some preparation."
Taiwan is an education-obsessed society, due not least to a Confucian legacy that emphasises personal improvement, and there are hundreds of thousands of young Taiwanese just like Huang.
Surveys show that eight in ten high school students in Taiwan receive some kind of after-school tuition to help them pass each hurdle in the education system to make it into the best universities and eventually get the best jobs.
The cram schools, whose bright logos grace the central area of every Taiwanese city, are a huge business on the island, with parents willing to pay thousand of dollars for what they consider an essential service.
"As parents, we all want our sons to become dragons and our daughters to become phoenixes," Huang Hsien-chen, Hsing-yao's 57-year-old father, quoting a traditional saying on how education unlocks the potential of the individual.
In traditional Chinese society, top degree holders typically entered into the government bureaucracy, while today most job opportunities await them in the private sector.
But despite these changes, the faith in education as the only route to social progress is still widespread.
"A lot of parents have farming or worker backgrounds. So they want their children to be better than themselves," said Chiang Shu-miao, chief executive of Yu Da Education Institution, a cram school with 23 branches island-wide.
"Traditionally, academia has occupied a high place in society, and that's why a lot of parents want their children's studies to be reinforced at a cram school," she said.
Cram school fees are around Tw$100,000 ($3,400) a year for a high school student -- a two-month salary for many Taiwanese.
"We also serve a social function," said Chiang. "Parents and relatives are all busy working. They aren't able to really nurture their children.
"Cram schools have a stabilising effect on families and society. I don't care about how other people judge us. We have a mission to create a future for the youth."
Some cram schools seek to attract students with the offer of star teachers known across the island for their ability to get large numbers of students past exams.
They often also seek to create a special gung-ho atmosphere, such as in Huang's cram school, where students wear red headbands screaming "Go!" in large letters, and expressing a wish for a "Smooth Exam".
Teachers, too, feel the strain -- some have their mobile phones on 24 hours a day, ready to reply to questions from anxious parents.
"Teachers here come and go, come and go. The pressure is very high," said Liu Chang-chi, a teacher at Yu Da with 25 years of cram school experience.
But not all parents believe their children should do nothing but stare into textbooks like robots every waking hour of the day.
"I am traditional in that I respect education. But I'm also modern in my thinking," said 57-year-old Huang.
"I don't always try to make him study, study, study. I also give my son pocket money. He does other activities like playing guitar and sports."
Copyright © 2011 AFP. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

留德博士劉明德: 英語是魔鬼+垃圾 III

[本文寫於 黃春明的 操你媽的B 事件後, 相信受到黄春明的衝擊.]

留德博士劉明德在他的 英語是魔鬼+垃圾 一書裏這麼寫
然而, 今天漢民族的子孫竟然淪落到主動要去...學人家的語言
可憐的漢民族豈止學人家的語言, 他們也學人家用電燈, 開汽車, 坐飛機.  更不堪的是他們居然放棄了萬蟲鑽動, 金蠅大如蜂鳥的毛坑, 忝不知恥 地學人家用抽水馬桶了.  下圖是台中 SOGO 百貨公司的一個抽水馬桶.  從 SOGO 生意的觀點, 這樣的廁所比毛坑好, 但有兩個明顯的缺點: Americans and Europeans may not know what to do with it; most probably have never seen anything like it.   Notice the trash can on the front left?  That is Chinese culture.  To explain this Chinese culture, I present a picture from a restroom in an university.
Posted on the restroom door is an advisory that says one should not throw toilet paper into the toilet bowl.  Apparently, people follow the instruction to throw toilet paper laced with their pooh-pooh into the trash can, making the room smell horrifying.

劉明德很計較他是漢人的驕傲, 我則是希望屁股不要帶著糞便.  我希望台灣人能學著使用歐洲通行的廁所, 如下圖.  我很喜歡左邊這個洗肛門機.  大便後可以輕鬆地把尾巴洗得乾乾淨淨.

A warning to Taiwan visitors is in order.  Public restrooms do not normally provide toilet papers.  This is so even and particularly in universities.  Be prepared!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

僑光科技大學二三事 II

I dedicate this entry to the girls who work in 僑光's Heien (海音) Café.

Heien (海音) Café is new, clean and spacey.   But it has no air-conditioning and workers are not allowed to open the windows because windows have no screens so flies can fly in.

For customers, this would be fine when they choose not to come, or they decide they could not tolerate the 40 degree heat.  There are occasional heat-resistant creatures who seem to thrive in the high-temperature Heien (海音) Café.  They order hot drinks or steaming food that heats up the room to 50. 

The workers, unlike customers, cannot avoid the place unless they quit.

I have two advices for 僑 administrators:
  • Install window screens in Heien (海音) Café so the windows could be opened. 
  • Provide a couple of bike racks on campus.  See 僑光科技大學二三事.

Monday, May 23, 2011


One of the assignments I gave my students this semester is to
... Write a blog entry with a title indicating that it is a reflection of your years at the university.
Some students use the following title
A reflection of your years at ...
This is perfectly OK except your should be changed to my, and one might add the number of years, such as
A reflection of my happiest four years at ... 

蕭文婷: 練英文 救台灣

練英文 救台灣
◎ 蕭文婷

自由時報五月十八日有德國台僑投 書,呼籲大家自己寫信向WHO抗議,醫界前輩楊教授很快的就響應,不僅請美國心律協會(Heart Rhythm Society,HRS,原NASPE)將他的國家別更正,也投書到WHO。筆者也跟進。兩個版本的抗議信如下,供大家參考,可以直接使用,也可以自行加 以排列組合。開頭可加To Whom It May Concern或Dear Sir/Madam,信後寫Cordially yours, 或Sincerely yours, 結尾署名最好加單位職稱及連絡方式。
也許有人會懷疑:這樣有用嗎?一個人寫一封信,誰知道WHO理不理?筆者參加過幾次「一人一信」運動,包括籲請白宮重視蘇丹種族屠殺、 籲請國會禁止進口中國雞肉、敦促肉品工廠改善工作環境否則拒買等,事後都看到具體的成果。一封抗議信看起來微不足道,但大家都做,就是一股巨大的聲音。
這 不只是「愛台灣」的具體行動,也是一個非常有意義的練習英文的機會,不管英文多菜,都可以正名救台灣!況且不少父母都花大把銀子讓孩子學英文,何不趁這個 機會展現學習成果?學校裡的英文老師也可以把這個當作練習作業,年年都可以練習,寫給相關國際機構,學生應該會覺得很新鮮、很實際、很有成就感。WHO的 Email是
I am writing to protest your referring Taiwan as "Province of China" in your memo dated September 14th, 2010. It is of course an incontestable reality that Taiwan is NOT a province of China.
Taiwan is a sovereign independent country with its own elected president, its own military, stock exchange, etc. If American citizens travel to Taiwan, the Chinese embassy is unable to issue a visa to Taiwan. And vice versa: if American citizen travels to China, the Taiwan representative in the United States is unable to issue a visa to China.
I urge you correct this mistake and refer Taiwan simply as "Taiwan". I thank you for your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.
Taiwanese people are deeply troubled by the WHO’s statement that refers to Taiwan as a "Province of China". While Taiwan was misidentified as the "Republic of China" by the Nationalist Party after World War II, People’s Republic of China has NEVER had any authority toward Taiwan. Taiwan is a actual sovereign state with a population of 23 million. To call Taiwan a province of China is a blatant insult to the 23 million citizens of Taiwan.
We express our strong opposition to such misnomer and urge the WHO to right the wrong soon.
As a Taiwanese, I must express my strongest opposition and protest to the WHO memo dated September 14, 2010 which states that procedures used by the WHO to facilitate relations with Taiwan were subject to Chinese approval and it instructs its agencies to refer to Taiwan as a "province of China". This form of hegemony is destructive and unjust.
This attempt to diminish Taiwan in the eyes of the international community will not go unnoticed. Known as the "Republic of China" after World War II, Taiwan is a vibrant democracy with de-facto statehood. The twenty-three million people in Taiwan are NOT and have NEVER been subject to the rule of the Chinese government. To call Taiwan a "Province of China" is the ultimate insult to the 23 million citizens in Taiwan.
I sincerely hope WHO will correct this mistake and issue a formal apology to the people of Taiwan.

Responses to
What is the point, Chyuan Cherng?

I. From Dr. Liu

What's the point? That's a good question but it can be applied to so many businesses in Taiwan, or for that matter, in Japan and Korea. What's the point of Wei-Chuan, Ta-Tung or Din Tai Fung?  Or Chosun Ilbo and Asahi Shinbun? I guess what sets you off is the Wade-Giles spelling. Look at the bright side, the owner does not use Chinese pinyin Quan Cheng which I hope would piss you off even more. And the Wade-Giles spelling is not that hard for a English speaker to pronounce, notwithstanding such unconventional strings like rng in cherng. After all, it was created by a British diplomat.

Yes, it is a KMT-sanctioned Romanization system for the Chinese language and nothing would please me more than seeing Mandarin disappear completely from the tongues of Taiwan residents so we don't have to deal with this nettlesome issue of pinyin vs W-G vs ROC Standard on street signs, place names etc. Given the current reality, I happen to believe that Wade-Giles is the weapon we have on hand to fend off the encroachment of the even harder to pronounce and more ridiculous Chinese pinyin spellings, although I take a perverted joy in pronouncing Taipei's ZhongXiao-Fuxing subway station as Zhong Shit-Fucksing.  

In your ideal world of making English a part of Taiwanese, the pharmacy would have a name like Wholesome or Comprehensive. Let's pray that day would come sooner.

II. From Roxie

I take a bus to school everyday, and the government made up an weird English name for each stop.  For example, a stop called 菸廠 is translated into Ian Factory, and another stop called 永豐螺絲 became Yong Feng Rosie.  I guess they just wanted to give them English names because using English sounds cool, it really doesn't help foreigners.

In the case of 全成藥局, if its English name is to serve real purpose, I suggest the word Drug be made bigger, instead of Chyuan.  That way, a passersby who could not read Chinese, but could English, can hopefully pick out the useful word Drug.

Roxie's story offers excellent examples of inconsistencies.
菸廠 is translated into Ian Factory
Why not Tobacco Factory, helping natives learn English, at the same time enlightening foreigners?  Is Ian useful to anyone?
永豐螺絲 became Yong Feng Rosie
Again,  Rosie for 螺絲 does not help anyone.

When I take city bus 51 into 太平, one of the stops is 太平橋前, for which the announcer would read "Next stop Taiping Chiau Chen".   This is stupid, but not dangerous.

More serious is what I feel is a secret agenda to turn our names into disgusting Chinese names, such as
Xitun Rd. Intersection 西屯路口
YingCai PostOffice 英才
Xiabuzi 下部仔

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What is the point, Chyuan Cherng?

台中是一個世界級的醜城市.  這個建築物是一個醜的典範.  台灣人覺得墨西哥是一個落後貧窮的國家.  這是事實.  但是 幾千張墨西哥的相片很難找一張比得上我們的醜.  更不用拿台中來跟聖地牙哥, 馬德里, 墨爾本, 新加坡等比了.  

I am not picking on this pharmacy.  I just happened to notice that it has an English name Chyuan Cherng that does not mean anything to its Taiwanese customers.  If it has an English speaking client, she should find the name Chyuan Cherng hard to say and unhelpful. So, what is the point?

Thursday, May 12, 2011


I. Its English name is Overseas Chinese University, which Google Translate translates into 華僑大學. This is a pretty strange name because the students are neither Chinese nor are they from overseas.

II. I saw a poster advertising for Tablet PCs (平板風暴 席捲校園).  Next to 平板風暴 are two lines stacking up together:  "平板電腦 vs 智慧手機" on top, and "Android vs iOS" down below. I see two things happening.  First, the advertisement now expands to include smartphones, and secondly, the picture can potentially lead some to think that "Android vs IOS" is a translation of "平板電腦 vs 智慧手機", which it isn't. 

III. Like most universities in Taiwan, most students have motor bikes and few ride bicycles.  An amazing thing about 僑光 is that there is no bike rack to lock your bike.  

Thursday, March 24, 2011

HOME (English with subtitles)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

留德博士劉明德: 英語是魔鬼+垃圾 II

英語是魔鬼+垃圾 其實是他出版的一本書的書名. 
為什麼 英語是魔鬼+垃圾?

Here are hints:

p139: 我們漢民族.... 人類..最重要的發明..都是源自我們的祖先.
p140: 如果沒有我們的祖先發明的羅盤...哥倫布也無法發現美洲大陸.
...火藥... 印刷術...
然而, 今天漢民族的子孫竟然淪落到主動要去...學人家的語言

In another post, I wrote

豈止學人家的語言.  我們也淪落到學人家用電, 用電燈, 用電腦, 開汽車, 坐飛機.  有骨氣的漢人應拒絕用電, 不坐車, 絕不坐飛機.

豈止學人家的語言.  我們也淪落到學他們的物理, 化學, 數學.  有骨氣的漢人應拒念物理, 化學, 數學.
Let me show a little more of what he wrote:
p. 141: 從今天起, 我們要正式(對英語)宣戰, 而且必定能戰勝它.

有一天, 汽車的車牌不再出現英文.

有一天, 中文將成為世界語言, 全世界的人都想來學我們的漢語.  全世界的人都想去上漢語補習班.  全世界的人都愛上我們的漢語.
到那一天,  我們漢民族的靈魂才能得到真正的自由.
Why stop at 汽車的車牌不再出現英文?  Be proud of your Han ancestry and stop using electricity, stop riding cars, stop using computers and cell phones, and never ever fly.

Instead of promoting racism, I believe it is much better to promote democracy, such as demanding referendums and demanding a fair judicial system.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

習慣用語 idiomatic expressions 重要嗎?

謝謝 Yah Walen 寄來下面這個教英文的中文網頁:

這網頁教了五個 idiomatic expressions (习惯用语):
give me a hand
foot the bill
blow out
lock, stock and barrel
hook, line and sinker
I duplicated the page at the very end.

我要回答Yah Walen 的問題
I will also say that 「美国习惯用语」第一讲 ,像 每曰一字(句)學英文 不很有用. 
To write clearly,  you do not need to use idioms, unless you know them well.

When you read, and you encounter idiomatic expressions, you can use browser extension such as Answer to get their meaning.  For example, clicking on barrel of the expression lock, stock and barrel, and you get a popup that shows its meaning:

The entirety; all of something. For example, Jean moved out of the house, lock, stock, and barrel. This expression alludes to the three elements of a firearm--the lock or firing mechanism, the stock or handle, and the barrel or tube. [Early 1800s]

Note that this explanation is much better than the one offered in the Chinese lesson below, which does not bother to explain the origin of the expression.

Using Answer to get the meaning of an expression, when you need to know what it means is more useful than reading a lesson that presents some randomly selected expressions that you may or may not have an interest.

give me a hand
foot the bill
blow out
lock, stock and barrel
hook, line and sinker
每一种语言都有它独特的成语和俗语。而学习外语的人经常在理解这些习惯用语时会感到很困难。这是因为你不可能从组成某个习惯用语的字面上来懂得它的意思。 比如,美国人经常说:“Give me a hand.” 按照字面来理解, “give me hand”就是“给我一只手。”可是,它的意思却是“帮我一下忙。”
另外一个例子是: “Foot the bill.”
“Foot”的意思是 “一只脚”,而“bill”在这儿的解释是“账单”。“Foot the bill.”并不是把帐单踩在脚底下,而是付账的意思。
 例句-1:“We arrived two hours late at the big blow-out for Charlie’s birthday because our car had a blow-out.”
一个是“Lock, stock and barrel”,另外一个是:“Hook, line and sinker”。
Lock, stock and barrel和Hook, line and sinker都是全部的意思,可是用法却不同。
我们先来举一个Lock, stock and barrel的例子:
 例句-2:“Mr. Rockefeller bought the whole oil company lock, stock and barrel.”
Hook, line and sinker虽然也和lock, stock and barrel一样是全部的意思,可是它还带有受骗的意思。例如:
 例句-3:“I warned Sally not to believe that man's stories about how rich he was, but she swallowed them hook, line and sinker. After she married him, she found out that he owed everyone in his office money.”
刚才我们讲解了在学英语过程中经常会碰到的一些问题。有些习惯用语从字面上看不出它们的确切意思,例如:give me a hand和foot the bill。另外还有些习惯用语在不同场合却表达不同的意思,如blow out。还有一些俗语,它们在字典上的解释是相同的,但是却有不同的用法,就像lock, stock and barrel和hook, line and sinker。

Monday, February 28, 2011

每曰一字(句)學英文 有用嗎?

For examples of such offerings, please go to the very end.  This post will argue that such service is not useful because 每日一句 is similar to learning English by randomly reading carefully selected dictionary entries.

每日一句 talks about things you may or may not have an interest.  It is not that you have a question, and the teacher answers it.  Teaching you when you don't have a question is not as effective as teaching you when you do have a question.

In contrast, when you Read the New York Times emailed to you daily for free, and use browser extension Answer to instantly obtain the meaning and pronunciation of a word, your learning is in a far more meaningful context.

Furthermore, the habit of reading the New York Times everyday is much more useful than the habit of doing 每日一句.

  1. FREEbird English 免費網路英文課程 | Archive | 每日一句學英文

    每日一句學英文– Raising Cain. 天天花兩分鐘學會一句,漸漸看得見大進步! Raising Cain – 喧鬧. Example: The boys were out all night long raising Cain, ...每日一句學英文/ - 頁庫存檔
  2. 每日一句學英文」的影片

    每日一句學英文- Sink or swim
    1 分鐘 - 6 天前
    每日一句學英文- Under the Weather - Video
    55 秒 - 2010年12月14日
  3. YouTube - 每日一句學英文- Turn over a new leaf

    2010年9月5日 ... 每日一句學英文是 免費課程的一部分。歡迎到FREEbird English.com來上更多的免費英文課!天天花兩分鐘學會一句,漸漸看得 ... - 頁庫存檔
  4. Dailymotion - 每日一句學英文- A piece of cake - a College video

    每日一句學英文是FREEbird 免費課程的一部分。歡迎到 來上更多的免費英文課!天天花兩分鐘學會一句,漸漸看得見大進步! ... › homecollege videos - 頁庫存檔
  5. iPhone实用英语学习软件《每日一句学英文》-iPhone中文网-91手机娱乐门户

     - [ 轉為繁體網頁 ]

    2010年8月9日 ... 「Exenglish 每日一句」课程内容广泛,结合生活、时事、知识,并包含片语、完整例句和真人发音,让您在没有压力下,一天天累积您的英文功力。 › iPhone专区iPhone评测 - 頁庫存檔
  6. 每日一句學英文– A taste of your own medicine | FREEbird English ...

    2011年2月2日 ... 天天花兩分鐘學會一句,漸漸看得見大進步! A taste of your own medicine – 自己曾給別人的苦頭Example: David forgot to do his homework?每日一句學英文/每日一句學英文-a-taste-of-your-own-medicine/ - 頁庫存檔
  7. 每日一句學英文- A Labor of Love - Video

    2011年2月13日 ... 今年暑假跟我們一起去遊學美國!每日一句學英文是 免費課程的一部分。歡迎. Watch Video about 學英文 ... - 頁庫存檔
  8. 每日一句學英文- Raising Cain Video

    Collected from 3 days ago with the description: 今年暑假跟我們一起去遊學美國!每日一句學英文是 免費 ... - 頁庫存檔
  9. 每日一句學英文- Go for broke - FREEbird -

    每日一句學英文是 免費課程的一部分。歡迎到FREEbird English.com來上更多的免費英文課!天天花兩分鐘學會一句,漸漸看得見大進步! ... - 頁庫存檔

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Read the New York Times emailed to you daily for free

  • 因為 Google Chrome 跟 Google Translate 的結合使得英翻中在 Google Chrome 中極為容易, 本文用 Google Chrome 做例子.  如果你尚未安裝 Google Chrome, 請花一分鐘的時間下載及安裝.
  • 首先, 造訪紐約時報的網站.  即使你不懂得芵文, 我也會讓你看懂.  見下圖

    上圖的第四行的末端有這個連結: Register Now.
    第二行問你是否想將這英文的網頁翻譯成中文, 如下:
  • 第一圖的 Register Now 變成第二圖的 現在註冊.
    你可以用這個連結來註冊, 成為紐約時報的用戶.  一切免費.  在註冊的時候你有機會要求紐約時報每天寄一份文摘給你.
  • 從今以後, 你會每天收到一份紐約時報文摘的 email.  假如你用 Gmail 的 account 登記, 你可以很輕易地把每天的文摘翻成中文.  細節請見 One click to translate a message.  如果湏要, 請用 Google Chrome 把它翻成中文. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

One click to translate a message

one click on your mailer can have Andy's Japanese message translated into a language of your choice

Please tell us how to do that? Where is the button or link that can be clicked to do the translation job?
In the following, I will use Gmail to illustrate.  Below please find a snapshot of my Gmail.  One click on the third line of the picture, inside the blue rectangle, translates the Japanese message into English. 

Note that the blue rectangle is not there by default.  In order to have the blue rectangle in your Gmail, you need to do two things in Gmail settings:
  • Enable Lab
  • In the Lab entries, look for and enable Message translation
Let me know if you have questions.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

除非英文變成台灣人生活的一部份, 我們將只能吸引為數越來越多的中國學生, 加速台灣的西藏化.

除非英文變成台灣人生活的一部份, 我們將只能吸引為數越來越多的中國學生, 加速台灣的西藏化.

TAIWAN: Bid to attract more overseas students
Yojana Sharma
16 January 2011
Issue: 154

In a major speech last week Taiwan's President Ma Ying-Jeou (pictured) outlined the country's bid to become a higher education hub, and said some universities could begin to teach in English - a move that could draw students from mainland China and elsewhere in Asia away from universities in Britain, Australia and the US.

Taiwan's universities are currently suffering a downturn in enrolments for demographic reasons, but the new policy is more than an attempt to fill seats in lecture theatres.

"The tertiary education sector brings not just lucrative income, but it also expands a country's soft power and influence in the world," Ma said in a speech at the Commonwealth Economic Forum in Taipei on 10 January.

It would not only help the development of Taiwan's universities but also promote Taiwan in Asia through 'student ambassadors' who would maintain an attachment to Taiwan even when they returned to their home countries, Ma said.

He said the ministries of foreign affairs and education, as well as the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission under the country's parliament, the Executive Yuan, would draw up a plan to attract more students to Taiwan.

Universities already employing English-speaking lecturers "may soon offer curricula taught fully in English", Ma said. "I have been told, on more than one occasion by officials from Southeast Asian countries, that if universities in Taiwan provide more programmes taught in English, the country will be very attractive to their high school students."

Citing estimates by international consultancies, he said Taiwan had the potential to attract some 160,000 foreign students, mostly from Chinese-speaking countries. However that target could be difficult to meet.

Mainland China is itself attempting to attract more international students, investing in major new facilities to house foreign students at top universities including Peking University in Beijing and Fudan University in Shanghai.

Peking University, the most prestigious in mainland China, launched a major recruitment campaign in Hong Kong last month. Hong Kong also attracts large numbers of top mainland students.

Meanwhile Hong Kong and China have also been developing joint programmes, with the first joint masters degree in law between Peking University and Hong Kong expected to begin soon.

With a nod to the emerging competition from China, Ma said: "We cannot compete with mainland China in terms of market size, but we have an edge over [them] in terms of the quality of our courses and our ability to teach both traditional and simplified Chinese."

Traditional Chinese characters are used in Hong Kong, Taiwan and many overseas Chinese communities, while simplified characters are in use in mainland China and Singapore.

Taiwan faces stiff competition from Hong Kong, whose universities are ranked among the highest in Asia, although students from the mainland are restricted to a small percentage of the student body.

In addition Hong Kong has been drawing students from Taiwan and also attracting Taiwanese academics with higher salaries than they can get in their own country. That will have to be reversed for Taiwan to compete as a higher education magnet.

Singapore also has more than a decade-long head-start as an education hub in Asia, attracting some 91,000 foreign students with a stated aim of increasing this number to 150,000 in the next five years.

A declining birth rate in Taiwan has led to predictions that almost 28% of the island's 164 colleges of higher education could close by 2021 for lack of students.
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Friday, January 14, 2011

慢著. 不要刪掉 Andy's 的信只因為你不懂曰文
Hold it. Don't delete Andy's message just because you don't read Japanese
[was: 革命不要流血]

我也不懂曰文, 但我的gmail 能自動地把它翻成英文或中文, 如下.

I don't read Japanese either, but one-click on my gmail, the message is translated into English or Chinese.  See below.

Al-Jazeera reported that President flee abroad Tunisia

2 hours 53 minutes 15 January 2011
CAIRO - Al-Jazeera satellite force in the Middle East - rock the evening of 14 (15 early Saturday morning Japan time), a series of riots in Tunisia and a large demonstration, reported that President Ben Ali flee abroad. Since 1987, the collapse of the Ben Ali regime has ruled the country with an iron fist approach. Tunis Tunisia troops occupied the airport, is hitting the maintenance of security. Prime Minister through an emergency conference on national television Gannushi is said to act for the time being the duties.



2小時 53分鐘 2011年1月15號
開 羅 - 半島電視台的衛星力量,在中東 - 岩石14日晚(週六凌晨日15時),一系列的騷亂突尼斯和大規模示威,報告說,本阿里總統逃往國外。自1987年以來,坍塌的本阿里政權統治的國家,以鐵 腕方式。突尼斯突尼斯部隊佔領了機場,打的維修保障。總理的緊急會議上通過國家電視台說 Gannushi行動暫時的職責。
Andy Chang's original message in Japanese:
チュニジア大統領が国外脱出 アルジャジーラ報道
【カ イロ=石合力】中東の衛星放送アルジャジーラは14日夕(日本時間15日未明)、大規模なデモや暴動が相次ぐチュニジアで、ベンアリ大統領が国外脱 出したと報じた。1987年以来、強権的な手法で同国を支配してきたベンアリ体制が崩壊した。チュニジア軍はチュニス空港を占拠、治安維持に当たってい る。ガンヌーシ首相は国営テレビを通じて緊急会見し、職務を当面代行すると語った。

Thursday, January 13, 2011


朱醫師跟我們分享這篇紐約時報的文章時, 標題是英文.  
害怕英文的人大概不假思索就把它刪除了.   如果你肯使用 Google 的瀏覽器 Chrome, 任何文章只消你動一下手指就可以翻譯成中文.  何不用下文做個實驗?  Google Chrome 使英文不再可怕.  如果你有任何問題請寫信給我.  Cheers, Luby

Google Chrome: why you should care

Google Translate 把 [Google Chrome: why you should care] 翻譯成 [谷歌瀏覽器:你為什麼要關心]

From: Jen-Yih Chu
Date: 2011/1/13
Subject: [I Love Taiwan] You may be interested in an article in New York Times about civilian government not able to control military?

Chinese civilian government  may not be able to control military?
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Google Translate 把 [Google Chrome: why you should care] 翻譯成 [谷歌瀏覽器:你為什麼要關心]

我自己的翻譯是: 為什麼你應該使用 Google Chrome.  或, 為什麼你應該在乎Google Chrome 的走向.  我認為 Google 不必翻.  谷歌不比 Google 易懂. 

如果你使用 Google Chrome 拜訪這個群組的網站: 使英文成為台灣人生活的一部份 / Make English part of a Taiwanese' life, 你可以with one click 把我上一個 post, 翻成這樣:       
時代在先前的文章。 谷歌Chrome是谷歌瀏覽器已作出
谷歌翻譯的一個組成部分,作為第5版。 這是什麼意思了
台灣鉻用戶? 這意味著,當她觀看了英語,
測試版的版本是10。 與此相反,目前的穩定版本是Firefox的
3.6。 誰知道會發生什麼瀏覽器時,明天你醒來
即使你是一個 IE或Firefox愛好者,你應該檢查瀏覽器從
不時。 我建議你給它一個嘗試。 現在。
這翻譯雖不完美, 總有一點幫助. 
我強調你得到這些幫助 with just one click. 
不必查字典, 不必打字, 不必花錢. 

Google Chrome: why you should care

Google Translate is an invaluable tool that has been mentioned numerous times in previous posts.  Google Chrome is the Google browser that had made Google Translate an integral part as of version 5.  What does this mean to a Taiwanese Chrome user?  It means that while she is viewing an English, French, Spanish or Zulu page, the Chrome browser asks


While version 5 was ancient,  stable Chrome release is now version 8 and Beta is version 10.   In contrast, the current stable Firefox is version 3.6.   Who knows what will happen to Chrome when you wake up tomorrow morning?  

Even if you are an IE or Firefox devotee, you should check on Chrome from time to time.  I suggest that you give it a try.  Right now.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

國父 國毋 國姨 國舅

美國人沒有國父, 沒有國毋, 沒有國姨國舅.  為什麼中國國民黨強迫台灣人得有一個國父?  並且是一個外國人的國父?

當台灣人的英文能力改善, 他們會發現美國人沒有國父, 沒有國毋, 沒有國姨國舅. 


中央廣播電台: 未成年當空姐 國父孫女傳奇多

Google dictionary and translation

Here is an interesting Google translation of a 中央廣播電台 news headline

未成年當空姐 國父孫女傳奇多

to English:

Granddaughter of the legendary father of a minor more than a flight attendant

I would translate 國父 to Guo-Fu.  Guess what the Google translation is.   What's yours?   

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 8:17 PM, Taitzer wrote:
Dear all,
To participate in the discussion of [英文成爲台灣人生活的一部分],I'd like to recommend "Classic Guide to Better Writing - by Rudolf Flesch, Abraham Harold Lass:
To outline how to study English is not the same as to buy a good book and study it with religious care.

I have such a good book to recommend to you all: The Classic Guide to Better Writing - by Rudolf Flesch, Abraham Harold Lass - available at

This is the book I myself read countless times and before my retirement I gave about 50 copies to friends as gifts with high hope, including 臺北縣中學英文教師 Thomas More University 1995 (?) 暑期訓練班。But then, how many of those 50 books have been read carefully?  I don't know.

This is not rule-setting book (don't read it that way).  It is not only a good grammar book, but, above all, is also a literature appreciation book if readers care to read it this way.  Reading a good book ten times is better than reading ten books once each.

All I know about writing I learn from this book.  So I recommend it.

All discussion points in [英文成爲台灣人生活的一部分] are well taken, but I need to point out one thing, which has been neglected so far: since English is our second language and nothing comes natural, we cannot learn it well without reading good books; knowing "how to learn ..." is not the same as "I have learned ...".
A close analogy:  In politics, many of us "know to reform ...", but none of us "has reformed ....".

Taitzer Wang  1/5

----- Original Message -----
From: Luby Liao
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 3:55 AM
Subject: [英文成為台灣人生活的一部份] Google dictionary and translation

Emy, google dictionary and translation is definitely useful, particularly for beginners.  Furthermore, it is not just valuable for learning English.  You can use it to translate any language (for example, Spanish) to any other language (e.g., German) conveniently.  Some problems I can see are:

Often, the translation is not helpful.

If one always translates English into Chinese, it suggests that the person thinks in Chinese.  But to be fluent in English, one should learn to think in English.  So, I suggest that one also use tools such as Answers, that provide explanation (and pronunciation) of English expression by clicking.
Cheers, Luby

Thank you, Emy.  Could you share with us the tools you use, with some detail?   Cheers, Luby

3.熟悉如何使用網路 這幫助你吸收最新資訊:
現在有許多軟體可以幫助初學者學英文,但這些軟體通常不夠普及,學習的人就要自己去發現 使用這些軟體,沒人介紹就不會知道,所以要積極去找工具

like ''google dictionary and translation'',which is a useful tool my uncle gave to me:)